Palawija Tiling Survey Subround III 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bandar Lampung Municipality

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Palawija Tiling Survey Subround III 2023

Palawija Tiling Survey Subround III 2023

December 21, 2023 | BPS Activities

One of BPS's tasks is to provide food crop productivity data, one of which is through the Ubinan Survey method. This survey is routinely carried out by BPS Bandar Lampung City. The data collection period is carried out every subround (four months). Productivity data collection is carried out at the time farmers harvest by direct measurements in the field (rice fields/moors) on selected tile plots measuring 2 ½ m x 2 ½ m. Food crop data collected includes rice, corn, soybeans, peanuts, cassava and sweet potatoes. The aim of the Ubinan Survey is to obtain data on food crop productivity needed to calculate food crop production figures. For Bandar Lampung, the Ubinan Survey carried out is only Rice Tiles and Secondary Crops.
This secondary crop tile survey activity was preceded by training activities for field officers. The number of secondary crop tile survey officers at BPS Bandar Lampung City is 4 PPL and 2 PML. The tiling survey is carried out based on crop harvest subrounds, that is, each year there are 3 subrounds. Subround I covers January-April 2023, Subround II covers May-August 2023, and subround III covers September-December 2023. The number of survey samples in subround I was 20 BS with a total of 61 plots (30 corn, 3 peanuts, 23 cassava, and 5 sweet potatoes). For secondary crops in subround II, the samples were 20 BS with a total of 61 plots (43 corn, 11 cassava, 7 sweet potatoes). For subround III secondary crops, the samples were 10 BS with 28 plots (14 corn, 3 peanuts, 7 cassava and 4 sweet potatoes).
One of the challenges of the Ubinan survey is that it does not recognize the word holiday, tilean can be held at any time on Saturday or Sunday. Because the Ubinan survey depends on when the farmer will harvest. Hopefully the hard work of officers in the field will produce quality food data.
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