Bandar Lampung Municipality in Figures 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bandar Lampung Municipality

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Bandar Lampung Municipality in Figures 2020

Catalog Number : 1102001.1871
Publication Number : 18710.2002
ISSN/ISBN : 0215-4102
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : April 27, 2020
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 11.69 MB


Bandar Lampung Municipality in Figures 2020 is the continuation of previous
edition, published by BPS-Statistics of Bandar Lampung. This publication presents
data collected from any government and others institution, instead of coming from
Same with the previous publication, this publication aimed at providing general
picture of geographic, socio-economic characteristics of the population as well as
social and economic conditions of Bandar Lampung Municipality.
It is expected this publication could be regarded as reference as well as sources
of data for development planners, researchers, scholars or others. This publication is
also be expected to be used for the purpose of evaluating development carried out in
and by local government.
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