Lampung Province's NTP in January 2024 was 119.35 or an increase of 1.90 percent while GKG prices at farmer level rose 6.64 percent and premium rice prices at mills rose 2.26 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bandar Lampung Municipality

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Lampung Province's NTP in January 2024 was 119.35 or an increase of 1.90 percent while GKG prices at farmer level rose 6.64 percent and premium rice prices at mills rose 2.26 percent

Release Date : February 1, 2024
File Size : 2.48 MB


Lampung Province's NTP in January 2024 was 119.35 or an increase of 1.90 percent compared to the previous month's NTP. The increase in NTP is due to the Price Index Received by Farmers (It) increased by 1.91 percent and the Index
Prices Paid by Farmers (Ib) increased by 0.02 percent.

Lampung Province NTP January 2024 for each subsector is recorded Rice & Secondary Secondary Sectors (NTPP) (113.08), Horticulture (NTPH) (128.49), Crops Community Plantations (NTPPr) (132.93), Livestock (NTPPt) (96.09), Fisheries
Catch (110.76), and Aquaculture (98.05).

The price of grain at the farmer level for GKG quality will increase in January 2024. Increase the average price of the GKG quality group at the farmer level is 6.64 percent of Rp7,437.50 per kg to Rp7,931.48 per kg. Meanwhile, with the group
the same quality, the price of grain at the milling level increased by 6.59 percent from Rp7,564.79 per kg to Rp8,062.96 per kg.

The average price of rice at Premium quality mills has increased amounting to 2.26 percent. Meanwhile, the price of rice is at the quality milling level Medium experienced an increase of 4.52 percent.
Badan Pusat Statistik

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