Halal Bi Halal from BPS Bandar Lampung City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bandar Lampung Municipality

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Halal Bi Halal from BPS Bandar Lampung City

Halal Bi Halal from BPS Bandar Lampung City

April 17, 2024 | Other Activities

Wednesday (17/04), at the Bandar Lampung City BPS Office, an atmosphere of togetherness and joy enveloped the Halal bi Halal event which was attended by employees, retirees and administrators of the Bandar Lampung City BPS Darma Wanita Association. In a friendly atmosphere, this Halal bi Halal event was a moment to strengthen the ties of friendship for the entire BPS Bandar Lampung City family.

Head of BPS Bandar Lampung City, Ir. Akhmad Nasrudin, expressed his gratitude for the presence of all parties at the event. The hope is that Halal bi Halal is not just a tradition, but also a momentum to strengthen relationships between employees and maintain harmony in the work environment. The series of events, starting from remarks from the Head of Bandar City BPS, representatives of retirees, reading verses from the Koran, group prayers, to group photo sessions, decorated the event. With the success of this Halal bi Halal event, it is hoped that the spirit of togetherness and kinship that has been built can continue to bring blessings to the progress of BPS Bandar Lampung City and the communities it serves.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Bandar Lampung Jl. Sutan Syahrir No. 30


Bandar Lampung

35215. Telp. (0721)255980. Mailbox : bps1871@bps.go.id   





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