Internalization of ZI Development in Bandar Lampung - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bandar Lampung Municipality

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Internalization of ZI Development in Bandar Lampung

Internalization of ZI Development in Bandar Lampung

February 12, 2024 | Other Activities

Monday, February 12 2024, BPS Bandar Lampung City held an Internalization of Integrity Zone Development (ZI) activity in the Hall on the 2nd floor. This activity was attended by all employees within BPS Bandar Lampung City.

This activity has the theme "Change Management Strategy Towards WBK/WBBM Sarker" which was delivered by Sasma Senimawati Manik, S.Si., M.Kom, a participant in the 2023 Change Agent Network coaching.

Before the presentation, Ir. Akhmad Nasrudin as Head of BPS Bandar Lampung City gave directions so that all BPS Bandar Lampung City employees can play an active role in the development of ZI and asked each pillar to collect supporting evidence regarding the implementation of RB.

In this internalization activity, an understanding of what RB and ZI are is provided and the relationship between the two is also given a mechanism for developing ZI and no less important is motivation so that everyone is willing to work together in a team for positive changes for a better Bandar Lampung City BPS.
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